The Dangers of Fake IDs, Part Two: Making or Selling a Fake ID
In colleges across the country, classes have begun and first time university students are taking all the excitement that higher education has to offer. Along with studying and classes, many college students also take the opportunity away from their parents to experiment with alcohol. Underage students who are not legally allowed to buy alcohol may try to circumvent these laws through illegal methods. In a recent post, we talked about some of the consequences you could face for borrowing an older friend or relative’s ID to get into a bar or club. This may seem like a minor offense to many college students- especially if their friends have gotten away with it in the past. However, using or even just possessing someone else’s state identification card can result in up to a year of jail time. For individuals who become more deeply involved in fraudulent identification schemes, the criminal consequences can be even more severe.
Those Selling Fake IDs Can Face Jail Time if Convicted
While less significant fraudulent ID offenses may only be considered misdemeanors, other offenses can be considered Class 4 felonies. The following crimes are punishable by one to three years in jail and fines up to $25,000:
- Possessing a Illinois driver’s license or ID card created by someone other than a government office;
- Owning or possessing specialized security equipment that is used to reproduce government-issued identification cards or driver’s licenses;
- Advertising fraudulent identification cards;
- Dispensing, manufacturing, or selling fraudulent driver’s licenses;
Subsequent convictions can be charged as a Class 3 felonies punishable by up to seven years’ imprisonment and fines of up to $25,000.
Getting Caught with a Fake ID Can Derail a Student’s Life
If you are a high school, college, or university student, you should know that using a fake ID to buy alcohol or gain entry into bars or clubs could significantly alter the course of your life. Being convicted of a crime means that you have a criminal record which can follow you for years and lead to limited employment opportunities. Furthermore, students caught using or selling fake IDs can face sanctions from their school’s disciplinary board. Penalties can range from a temporary suspension to expulsion. Sadly, many students’ lives are turned upside down when they are arrested for crimes related to fraudulent IDs.
Free Initial Consultation With an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney
If you or your child has been charged with a crime, you need a Joliet criminal defense lawyer who can help you understand the best course of action to take. Call the Law Offices of Jack L. Zaremba, P.C. at 815-740-4025 to schedule a free consultation about your case today.