Joliet Marijuana Possession Attorney
Experienced Joliet Marijuana Possession Defense Attorney
Since 2020, marijuana has been legal for adults to purchase and use in Illinois. However, there are still some situations where people may face criminal charges related to marijuana or paraphernalia related to this drug. People over the age of 21 are permitted to possess up to 30 grams of marijuana, five grams of concentrated cannabis, or marijuana products containing up to 500 milligrams of THC. Possession of marijuana in excess of these limits may lead to drug possession charges. Minors under the age of 21 who possess any amount of marijuana could also face drug charges.
Illinois only allows the sale of marijuana and marijuana products by dispensaries or businesses that have the proper licenses. Anyone who sells marijuana without authorization could be charged with drug distribution. In some cases, the possession or sale of paraphernalia related to marijuana could also lead to criminal charges. These charges may apply in cases involving paraphernalia that may be used to unlawfully manufacture, compound, process, prepare, or use marijuana.
Although most offenses related to marijuana possession and paraphernalia are charged as misdemeanors, there are some situations where felony charges may apply. Regardless of the nature of the charges, a conviction can create havoc on your life. In some cases, you could be sentenced to jail time, or you may be required to pay large fines. Following a drug crime conviction in Will County, you will be required to take drug tests at each and every court appearance. If you test positive for certain substances, you may be placed in custody, and you will not be released until you pass a drug test.
For years, Attorney Jack L. Zaremba has handled drug cases in Will County. He has focused his entire career on criminal law, and he is dedicated to keeping you out of jail and keeping your record clean. Contact our firm today at 815-740-4025 or fill out our online contact form to get a free case evaluation.
Contact Our Will County Marijuana Possession Attorney
If you are facing offenses related to marijuana, a prosecutor will most likely do everything they can to convict you of possession charges or other offenses. Even if drugs or paraphernalia were found in a car in which you were just a passenger, you could still face serious charges, and you may be subject to severe penalties if you are convicted. Having a skilled drug crimes attorney on your side can make the difference in contesting your possession case.
Do not leave your future to just any attorney. At the Law Offices of Jack L. Zaremba, P.C., your initial consultation is always free. Contact us today at 815-740-4025 to get the legal help you need. Our office is located steps from the Will County courthouse, and we are ready to assist with your case and protect your rights.