Joliet CDL Violations Lawyer
Commercial Drivers License Violations Attorney Serving Will County
Your CDL is your livelihood. If you cannot drive, you will be unable to continue working and earning an income. A single traffic ticket can threaten your current job, result in higher insurance costs, and prevent your future employment as a commercial driver. If you are planning to change jobs, potential employers will see that you have a ticket, and they may pass you over.
You should not entrust your livelihood and your future to someone who does not have the necessary qualifications to defend against CDL violations. You will want to work with a traffic violation attorney who has the necessary experience to address these issues and protect your ability to continue driving a commercial vehicle. Our firm has been able to have tickets dismissed or amended to non-moving violations. In cases where there is no room to negotiate with the prosecutor, we are prepared to go to trial to keep your record clean. Attorney Jack Zaremba is familiar with the courts in Will County, and he knows what needs to be done to protect your commercial driver's license.
We Will Keep You Driving
Our firm has helped numerous CDL holders keep their records clean. If you have received a traffic ticket for any of the following, contact our office today:
- Failure to reduce speed
- Speeding
- Following too closely
- Improper lane usage
- Overweight violations
- Reckless driving
- Railroad crossing violations
- Any other violations that could affect your commercial driver's license
If you are convicted of multiple "serious" traffic violations, you may be disqualified from driving a commercial vehicle for a few months. Serious violations include reckless driving, speeding more than 15 miles per hour over the speed limit, tailgating, or illegal lane changes. Two serious violations committed within a three-year period will result in a disqualification of at least three months. Three serious violations within three years will result in a four-month disqualification. While disqualifications will generally apply if violations were committed while driving a commercial vehicle, violations committed in a non-commercial vehicle may also count toward this total if they are serious enough to warrant a driver's license suspension.
Longer disqualification periods will apply if you are convicted of offenses that are considered to be especially serious, including DUI, leaving the scene of an accident, vehicular manslaughter, or committing a felony offense while driving a commercial vehicle. These offenses will result in disqualification of your license for one year for a first offense. A second conviction of this type of violation will result in a lifetime disqualification.
Contact a Joliet CDL Violations Lawyer For Help
Do not attempt to fight a traffic violation alone. Let our experienced commercial driver's license defense attorney work for you. Your initial consultation is free, so contact us today at 815-740-4025 to schedule an appointment and get the help you need from a skilled CDL defense attorney.