Drivers Beware: Carelessness Could Cost You Your License
Have you gotten multiple speeding tickets within a 12-month period? Been arrested for DUI? In such situations, one of the biggest concerns most people have is: Will I lose my driver’s license , and for how long? All Illinois drivers should be aware of the types of violations that can result in the suspension or revocation of your driver’s license.
Who Is in Charge of Illinois Driver’s Licenses?
In Illinois, the Secretary of State (SOS) is responsible for driver’s licenses. The SOS depends on information provided by all branches of law enforcement plus the courts to maintain up-to-date driving records on all licensed drivers. The Secretary of State thus holds the power to suspend or, for more serious infractions, revoke your driver’s license.
What Is the difference Between Suspension and Revocation?
- Suspension is the temporary loss of your driver’s license for a specific period of time (usually less than one year, though it can be longer) or until you meet specified requirements, such as paying off outstanding fines. You can then pay a reinstatement fee and get your license back.
- Revocation is the loss of your driving privileges for a minimum of one year up to life, with no guarantee of reinstatement. To get your license back after a revocation, you must convince a SOS hearing officer that your return to driving will not pose a threat to public safety.
What Violations Can Result in License Suspension or Revocation?
The Secretary of State’s CyberDrive Illinois website provides a long list of violations that can lead to the suspension or revocation of your driver’s license. Here are a few of the most common infractions that can result in the loss of driving privileges:
- Committing three or more moving violations (e.g., speeding or running a stop sign) within 12 months
- Having 10 or more unpaid parking tickets
- Driving with an expired, suspended, or revoked license
- Failing to appear in court for a traffic violation
- Failing to pay court-imposed fines or tollway violation fines
- Failing to pay child support for more than three months
- Causing a car accident while driving without insurance
- Leaving the scene of an accident involving vehicular damage over $1,000
- Using fraudulent ID, which includes offenses such as the lending of one person’s driver’s license to another, buying and using a fake ID, and obtaining a driver’s license using false documentation.
- Failing or refusing to submit to chemical testing following an arrest for driving a motor vehicle under the influence (DUI) - this is known as statutory summary suspension (SSS)
- Operating a boat involved in an accident on water that results in serious injury or death, and then failing or refusing to submit to chemical testing for intoxication - SSS applies as for motor vehicle DUI
- Being convicted of DUI in criminal court - carries the more severe penalty of revocation
Protect Your Rights with a Skilled Joliet Driver’s License Defense Attorney
If you are at risk of losing your license, you need an aggressive advocate on your side to help you contest the charges. As soon as you become aware of an impending suspension or revocation, contact a knowledgeable Will County driver’s license defense attorney. For a free and confidential consultation, call the Law Offices of Jack L. Zaremba, P.C. at 815-740-4025; calls are responded to 24 hours a day.