How Do Police Officers Identify Drug Use During DUI Stops?
When someone is intoxicated by alcohol, there are usually very obvious signs. The person will likely smell strongly of alcohol, have poor coordination, and exhibit slurred speech. It is also easy to confirm a person’s level of alcohol intoxication with a simple blood or breath test. It is not always as easy to tell when a person is intoxicated by other substances, such as THC, prescription medications, or street drugs like heroin. There are some signs police officers look for during a DUI stop, but many of those signs could also indicate a medical condition rather than intoxication. If you have been accused of driving under the influence of drugs, you need an experienced Will County, IL drug DUI attorney. An experienced attorney may be able to show that there is not enough evidence to convict you.
Signs of Drug Intoxication Police Officers Look For
The signs of drug intoxication are more varied and sometimes more subtle than the signs of alcohol intoxication. Drug Recognition Experts may be brought in to help the police identify which substance a suspect has likely ingested. To determine whether a driver may be under the influence of drugs, police officers may look for:
- Odors - Most drugs that are smoked or inhaled produce a noticeable odor that a trained police officer might recognize. The smell of cannabis might cling to a person who was merely around other people who were smoking it or persist in a vehicle where cannabis was lawfully transported home from a dispensary.
- Speech difficulties - Police may take speech impairment like slurred speech or long pauses between words as a sign of intoxication. However, many people have speech impediments that can easily be mistaken as a sign of drug use. Others panic and struggle to speak clearly when pulled over.
- Loss of balance - Many prescription drugs and street drugs can cause a person to struggle with balance. A person’s balance may also be affected by any number of medical conditions, from knee injuries to inner ear infections.
- Red, dilated, or droopy eyes - Police officers usually look at a suspect’s eyes first. Drug use can cause dilated or shrunken pupils, redness, or drooping eyelids. Any of these signs can be caused by perfectly innocuous things, like being tired or wearing contact lenses.
- Sleepiness - If a person appears to be falling asleep, a police officer is likely to assume that he or she is under the influence of drugs. It is also possible that the person has low blood sugar or is simply exhausted.
Contact a Will County, IL Drug DUI Lawyer
Law Offices of Jack L. Zaremba, P.C. is highly experienced in helping people who have been accused of drug DUIs. Dedicated Joliet, IL drug DUI attorney Jack Zaremba will fight back against the use of ambiguous evidence in your case. Contact us at 815-740-4025 for a complimentary consultation.