New Illinois Law Allows Children Access to Medical Cannabis at School
Few topics have been as hotly debated as medical marijuana. Once considered only a dangerous “gateway” drug, cannabis and hemp products are now gaining acceptance as legitimate medicines. Seizure conditions, glaucoma, Crohn’s disease, and even post-traumatic stress disorder have been successfully treated with cannabis products. Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is being sold legally across the country and used by thousands of individuals for everything from joint pain to anxiety. Now, school children in Illinois who benefit from the medicinal powers of cannabis will be able to consume cannabis-infused products on school premises.
Only Medicinal Marijuana in Non-Smoke Forms Will Be Permitted on School Grounds
Legislation signed by Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner will now allow school children who use cannabis to treat symptoms from a medical condition to consume cannabis on school grounds. Parents who register with the Department of Public Health and have children who qualify for medical marijuana will be permitted to administer cannabis products to those children on school buses and on school property. To be clear, children will not be allowed to actually smoke marijuana in schools. Only cannabis-infused products such as food, sublingual oils, or topical patches will be permitted.
Cannabis Bill Inspired By Young Chemotherapy Patient
House Bill 4870 was partially inspired by a lawsuit which was brought by parents of a young girl whose health is dramatically improved with cannabis use. The girl developed seizures as a side effect of chemotherapy treatment. After trying dozens of medications to stop the violent seizures, the girl’s parents gave her medical marijuana. When medical marijuana was able to effectively control their daughter’s seizures, the girl’s parents were thrilled. Unfortunately, because of marijuana’s classification as a schedule 1 drug, the girl could not receive her required medicine at school. The resulting lawsuit was instrumental in garnering acceptance for cannabis use on school premises.
Lawmakers Promise that Medical Marijuana Will Not Negatively Influence Learning Atmosphere
Illinois State Representative Lou Lang knows that some concerned citizens may misinterpret the new medical marijuana law. He explains, “Before anyone sets their hair on fire about medical marijuana in school, it’s important to understand that tots won’t be toking up in class. Discreet, private locations in a school will set aside for parents to administer the product and have no impact on anyone else in the building.” Furthermore, only students who qualify for a medical marijuana card in Illinois will be allowed to consume cannabis-infused products and only if they are administered by their parent or guardian.
Facing Drug Charges?
Contact the Law Offices of Jack L. Zaremba, P.C. today at 815-740-4025 to meet directly with an experienced WIll County drug crime defense attorney who can fight for your rights. We will review your case and help you determine the best course of action moving forward.