Understanding the Illinois Controlled Substances Act
There are a variety of crimes that revolve around drugs or controlled substances. In some cases, possession of certain types of drugs is enough to get you charged with a crime. In other cases, you can be charged with manufacturing with the intent of selling controlled substances. The consequences of most drug crimes depend on the type of drug that was involved in the crime, so it is important to know how you fare if you have been hit with a drug charge.
What Is a Controlled Substance?
Simply put, a controlled substance is a drug that the government believes can have a detrimental effect on a person’s health or well-being. This is why controlled substances are regulated by the government-it is an effort to control and limit who is in possession of these substances and keep them out of the hands of those who do not need them. Controlled substances are not always illegal, but almost all illegal drugs are controlled substances. Under Illinois law, controlled substances are classified into one of five categories, depending on their medical use and safety.
Schedule I Drugs
These drugs are stated to have a high potential for abuse or misuse and currently do not have any accepted medical uses. This is usually where most illegal drugs are classified and are considered unsafe for use. Drugs in this schedule include:
- Heroin
- Marijuana
- Ecstasy
- Peyote
- Methamphetamine
Schedule II Drugs
Schedule II drugs have a high potential for abuse, but they do have a currently accepted medical use, usually with extensive restrictions. The abuse of these substances also usually have a risk for severe psychological or physiological dependence. Schedule II drugs include:
- Cocaine
- Methadone
- Ritalin
- Opium
- Percocet
- Codeine
Schedule III Drugs
These drugs have a potential for abuse that is lower than Schedule I or II drugs and do have currently accepted medical uses. These drugs also have a moderate to low physiological dependence and/or a high psychological dependence. This classification of drugs includes:
- Anabolic steroids
- Ketamine
- Vicodin
- Testosterone
Schedule IV Drugs
These drugs have a low potential for abuse in comparison with Schedule III drugs and have an accepted medical use. If these drugs are abused, they can lead to a limited psychological or physiological dependence, in comparison with Schedule III drugs. These drugs include:
- Xanax
- Klonopin
- Valium
- Ambien
- Ativan
Schedule V Drugs
These drugs have a low potential for abuse in comparison with Schedule IV drugs and have an accepted medical use. These drugs also have a limited potential for dependence. These kinds of drugs include:
- Cough preparations, such as Robitussin
- Opium preparations, such as Pectin
- Parepectolin
- Lomotil
Get Help From a Joliet Drug Crime Defense Attorney
Drug charges can follow you in many aspects of your life. These charges can be serious, especially depending on which type of drug you were accused of possessing. If you are facing drug charges, you should contact a Will County drug crimes defense lawyer. Contact the Law Offices of Jack L. Zaremba, P.C. to discuss your options. Call our office at 815-740-4025 to set up a free consultation.