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What Happens if an Out-of-State Student Gets Arrested in Illinois?

What Happens if an Out-of-State Student Gets Arrested in Illinois?

 Posted on September 09, 2024 in Criminal Defense

IL defense lawyerYoung people often leave their home state to attend college elsewhere. Students may come to Illinois because one of our universities offers the particular major they are interested in, is a leader in their field of study, or because they have been awarded a scholarship. Others come because they have family in the area they can stay with to reduce housing costs or because they grew up here and are comfortable in the area. Unfortunately, college students are often arrested for alcohol-related crimes, like DUI, underage drinking, and bar fights. If you are an out-of-state resident and have been arrested in Illinois, a Grundy County, IL criminal defense lawyer can help you.

You Will Need to Stay in Illinois to Respond to Charges

Being arrested can come as a shock to a college student. You might be tempted to simply return to your home state and never set foot in Illinois again. However, this would likely lead to another arrest, and you would be sent back to Illinois anyway.

If you are living in the dorms, there is a chance you will be evicted, especially if your alleged offense took place on your college campus. For example, if you were arrested for providing alcohol to minors during a party in your dorm room, you should prepare to find alternate housing.

If your offense was more serious, like if you injured someone while driving drunk, you should also prepare for the possibility of being expelled from school. This can make it very tempting to simply go home and avoid responding to your charges. You may feel that Illinois no longer has anything to offer you and wish to return home. Before you pack up and go back to your home state, make sure to speak with your attorney to make sure you are allowed to leave the state. You must also have a plan in place for how you will get back to Illinois for your court dates.

In some cases, your lawyer can arrange for you to handle your appearances virtually. However, if you are ordered to serve any jail time, you will almost certainly need to come back to Illinois to report to a local jail. If you are unable to drive yourself due to a DUI charge and license suspension, you should start thinking about how you will travel here in person if you need to.

Contact a Grundy County, IL College Student Crimes Lawyer 

Law Offices of Jack L. Zaremba, P.C. is experienced in helping out-of-state residents respond to charges in Illinois. Our understanding Joliet, IL alcohol crimes attorneys will do all we can to help you address your charges with minimal hassle. Contact us at 815-740-4025 for a complimentary consultation.

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